Fun Facts

Japanese Onsens and the Hot Spring Tradition

In a couple years, the Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan, which means millions of foreigners will get to experience the joy of the Japanese onsen, or public baths. A closer look into the Japanese onsen tradition will show us how hot tubs can connect to culture, community and health.

Spa Party Tips

One of the best things about a hot tub is using it for entertaining and hosting. If you’re ready for a special themed party around your hot tub, here are some ideas for an amazing girls’ spa night! Step 1: Set the Mood If you’re going for a relaxing spa environment, there are a few … Read More

Now that you’ve finally decided to spring for a hot tub, all of your family and friends are excited. After all, you’re not the only one who benefits! But, before you bust out the party favors and buy your new bikini, it’s time to take care of some practical details. Taking a few steps to … Read More